Saturday, March 13, 2010

Misinformation that Canada's banks running the show

Selling Canada's newspapers into the wrong hands, will lower Canada's banks intrisic share value: warns bank auditor
[For, example, Canadain bank mergers is not a topic, that the newspapers should forward, yet the newspapers push bank mergers. Against our interest.]

Misinformation, "The bid by the Top Five banks, which include the Royal Bank of Canada, Toronto-Dominion Bank, Bank of Nova Scotia, the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and the Bank of Montreal, is meant to spark higher rival offers for Canwest that will help the banks get their loans to the media company repaid when the dust settles on the financial restructuring."
Misinformation. "The noteholders want potential bids under the process disclosed and details of the plan by the Big Five Canadian banks to make a "stalking-horse" bid for the assets released. They also want to extend the time for bids."