Friday, April 9, 2010

FairFax Financial Holdings, second largest Canwest shareholder

FairFax Financial very quite on their shareholders approval or disapproval -- concerning their huge investment in Canwest shares & the CCAA Canwest voluntary filing
[Fairfax bought Canwest shares to defend the free press of Canada.]

Quote, "Prem Watsa, president of Fairfax Financial Holdings and one of the most astute financial minds in Canada, seems to be sticking by Canwest. In fact, Watsa keeps scooping up more and more of the company’s stock at every opportunity. His company now owns 22 per cent of Canwest’s subordinate voting shares—and he may know something that other investors don’t. After all, Watsa not only accurately predicted today’s general financial ruin, he made more than a billion dollars off it through canny investments in credit default swaps. If he’s right about Canwest, and it pulls through to see sunnier days, he could be richly rewarded."

Macleans (crap magazine) fairfax balance sheets