Tuesday, May 18, 2010

? 1.1 billion bid - 150 million (unsecured .45 on the dollar equity offer) = 700 million Morgan loan + 250 million debt (can be coverted to shares)

Question. What did the other shareholders pay for their equity in Canada's newspaper disclosure monopoly?
Note. Not .45 cents on the dollar for the unsecured less and less, the more shares given the rest of the new shareholders. The .45 on the dollar in equity is arbitrary, in that this value is equal to the unsecured shares total, compared to total shares outstanding shares -- big difference if unsecured own half the shares outstanding, or 10 percent of shares outstanding. [Canwest shareholders could easily have offered a better deal to the unsecured.]

Note. Bribes & kick backs. Canwest should not be able to decide who buys Canada's media propaganda machine -- Canwest directing who controls the message. What's the new shareholders of Canada's newspapers, side deal with Canwest's main shareholders? Reported as nothing.

Note. If more funds than 950 million, than funds belong to unsecured. If investing more than the 950 million in loans attached to the newspapers, these proceeds above 950 million go to the unsecured. Question. How much are the news shareholders contributing?

Note. CCAA filing has not reduced the debt for newspapers, as after CCAA filing and before IPO, a new debt will be attached to newspapers, and the proceeds given as a disbursement. Canwest's New Zealand IPO trick. The unsecured Canwest debt, and other Canadian newspaper shareholders, to recieve funds after CCAA filing, before IPO.