Friday, May 7, 2010

Before the CCAA process started, the monitor agreed to file Canwest newspapers, the second Canwest CCAA filing

The 421 milion 9% US newspaper unsecured bonds would have been honoured, yet with the Canwest monitor voluntarily entering Canwest subsibuary, Canwest newspapers in it own CCAA filing, these 421 million in bonds now get zilch
- Canwest could have sold newspapers for a dollar with debt of 1.48 billion. CCAA filing has newspapers sold in a expropriationg sale, and the buyers selling the newspaper into an IPO with debt, pocketing the difference, the 421 million unsecured notes difference. Selling the newspapers into an IPO and making 400 million, suggests that the process to take the newspapers away from these 421 bonds and Canwest shareholders, is corrupt.

Therefore all future reporting of the newspapers, covering Canada's democracy and economic disclosure, are the result of this fraud seizing Canada's newspapers from Canwest and the 421 million newspaper bonds. Therefore irregularities in reporting the news, was accomplished through fraud to own the newspapers and TV.

Asper complained that newspaper should not be in filing, yet monitor files filing.